Dare to Dream


I have a dream…

MLK day recently passed (well, about 4 months ago now) but his birthday did just pass and all I can simply think about is how he dreamed. nobody had ever dreamed so boldly like that before; the vision he had aligned so perfectly with Our Father and everything He wants for His children. he had no boundaries or hesitations stopping him from pursuing his dream either. he was a brave man willing to speak and break the silence when nobody else would. and no matter how many people disagreed with him or didn’t believe in him, he kept on dreaming. and that huge dream led to one of the most beautiful and influential speeches in our history. his perfect words shook the world in August of 1968, nearly 55 years ago, and it continues to shake the people today.

just imagine.

imagine what it would be like to stand in front of hundreds, maybe even thousands (if you’re bold enough), and say “I have a dream…” then tell the people your dream or dreams, if you’re like me who seems to never stop dreaming. imagine how the people would react. would they support you? would they encourage you? would they boo you off the stage and throw tomatoes at you? would your dreams speak of who you are and the relationship you have with Christ? are your dreams small? could your dreams be bigger? do you believe that Our Father wants to hear the dreams you have? or do you just laugh about the dreams you have because they’re so called “pipeline” dreams?

honestly, what are your dreams? do you dream of becoming a famous country artist? author was it? or poet? how about opening up your own bakery? maybe even your own coffee shop too? traveling the world with the person you so deeply love? what about adopting a kid or possibly 5? uhh, maybe that’s just my dream. if you don’t know what your dreams are, I highly encourage you to stop reading my blog (for now), grab a pen and a piece of paper. brew yourself a cup of coffee and maybe even put on some cozy socks for comfort and just start writing the dreams that come to mind. they can be simple. they can be crazy. they can be something you’ve thought about for years, or maybe it just popped into your head. either way, start making a list. the list can be super short or it could go on and on, but the important thing is to just dream. dream so big that when people ask what your dreams are, you have to ask if they have enough time to even listen. I dream of so many things, big and small, but I am constantly adding them to my list. I believe dreams and lists go hand in hand so honestly, my bucket list is my dream list. and I also believe that you can never have too many dreams.

your list could be places you dream of visiting, people you dream of meeting, cultures you dream of being a part of, or maybe finally fulfilling that passion you have but have been pushing aside for years now. all you have to do is dream. and who knows, you could end up dreaming about moving 8,000 miles away to a place you’ve grown so fond of that you can’t imagine living anywhere else.

it has taken me nearly twenty-two years to realize that dreaming is a very important part of life, no matter how old you are. as I’ve moved through different seasons of life, I’ve noticed how my dreams have shifted and changed but the one thing that has never changed is how I believe that our dreams are always tangible. I think it’s easy to tell people that you dream of this and dream of that, but never truly believe that you’ll ever achieve it. but ever since the year 2018 started I have had a transforming mindset about dreams thanks to my sweet best friends (shoutout to my mamaz) and the Lord. they’ve shown me that dreams aren’t just meant to stay in our hearts and heads, they’re meant to be spoken out and told to others, especially Our Father who wants good things for His children. did you just read that? HE WANTS GOOD THINGS FOR YOU. He wants you to dream. some of them may be crazy and some may be simplistic, some may only have a 1 in a million chance or some may only take one step to achieve it, but Our Father wants to know our dreams. He wants to hear from you and wants to know what’s in your heart. and He wants to have conversations with you to help further your dreams to align with His will for your life.

so dream big. dream wild. dream freely.

there are NO limitations to what your dreams have to be. I mean my dreams consist of being a guest on the Ellen show, riding on an elephant, and writing a book to buying a VW van, starting my own non-profit, and even to meeting Justin Bieber. clearly, from the look of my list, there is no such thing as too many dreams and there are absolutely no restrictions on what we get to dream about or how big they can be.

MLK Jr. didn’t dream small, he dreamed HUGE. he dreamed of a world where his children wouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin but by their character and their heart. he didn’t stop when things got hard. he didn’t stop fighting for the dream he wanted to see be accomplished.

he pushed. he persevered. he never gave up.

and you should do the same.

push for those dreams that seem so crazy and out there. I mean come on. I dreamt of going to Africa since I was 14 or 15, and now I’m 22 about to move to the village I now call home and to the people I call family. The Lord wants to know your dreams, and who knows He might just want to push you towards them too. you just have to talk to Him.

quite frankly, I started writing this blog around MLK day and then got a writer’s block and then just never had the energy to try writing again. Satan quickly took hold of my big dream of becoming a great writer and a famous blogger, and began to make me believe that I would never be able to reach it. but thankfully, my fingers started typing and it’s never felt so good to just sit down with a nice cup of coffee in hand and finish a blog about something that I have grown so passionately about since 2018 started.

so there it is, my sweet friend.

continue dreaming. and dream big.